Centrality CEO awarded category win for EY Entrepreneur of the Year

Centrality CEO Aaron McDonald has been named the winner of the Technology and Emerging Industries’ category for the EY Entrepreneur of the Year award.
Being acknowledged with a globally-recognised award only two years into founding Centrality was a huge win for Mr McDonald. He is just one of five category winners still in the running, down from twenty-two finalists.
“I’m stoked to have been selected from such an amazing field of finalists and to be recognised alongside outstanding previous winners. Our team truly has done amazing things in the last two years - and we’re just getting started,” said Mr McDonald.
Centrality is developing a decentralised peer-to-peer marketplace of applications. By using the platform, consumers can manage everyday tasks and experiences using peer-to-peer transactions through a blockchain-enabled infrastructure.
Mr McDonald has previously been awarded an Edmund Hillary Fellowship (EHF) qualifying him for the New Zealand-based group’s third intake of Fellows.
The shortlisted nominees for the EY New Zealand Entrepreneur of Year will go through another round of judging before the winner is announced on Thursday 27 September.
Centrality made headlines earlier this year for its partnership with the former President of the Sony Corporation.
This story first appeared on a Centrality blog.